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Release Highlights, October 2022: Copying to-do checklists in settings, bulk workflow execution for assets & display custom fields in a column

This is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

All of this should improve your MARMIND experience as much as possible and help you stay on top of your marketing processes.

GENERAL: Navbar items can now be opened as separate tabs

Navigation bar menu items can now be opened as separate tabs using CTRL + click or by pressing the middle mouse button.

BOOKMARKS: Open shared bookmarks without takeover

Bookmarks can now be opened directly when they are sent as a link.
As a prerequisite, the bookmark must first be shared with the corresponding user.

TO-DOs: Copying to-do checklists in settings

You can now copy to-do checklists in the settings.

This helps to duplicate existing checklists, then change, supplement or reduce them.

MEDIA ASSETS - Display of the file size in selection info

When multiple assets are selected in the List or Grid View, the file size of the selected assets is displayed along with the count.

MEDIA ASSETS - Bulk workflow execution for Assets incl. sublevels

The toolbar function to execute a workflow step for multiple assets (bulk) at the same time now also works for selected assets of sublevels. It is checked whether the user has permission for the selected workflow step.


Only those workflow steps are displayed that are available for the selected assets.

CUSTOM FIELDS - Display custom fields in a column, even if they are assigned in different groups or panels

If a custom field occurs only once in the entity, then it will be displayed in the same column across entities regardless of group and panel assignment.
If the custom field cannot be uniquely identified within an entity, then it is displayed in several columns.

This logic is supported in both, the grid and asset grid.

INTERFACES - Google analytics interface: Independence from action validity date

Key figures can now also be displayed independently of the activity period. This setting can be applied in the checkbox.


TO-DOS: All responsibles and participants can be selected again

Not all responsible persons/participants could be selected when moving to-dos. 

REPORTS: Fixed issue with logo in Excel export

An issue in the display of the MARMIND logo in the Excel export of budget reports has been fixed.

Good to know

We are constantly working on improving our product to make it even better for you.

Some things you might want to know on the fly can be found in our constantly updated tutorial videos.


Picture of Peter Fechter

Peter Fechter

Peter is Digital Marketing Manager at MARMIND and is mainly responsible for website and lead management. When he's not busy creating content, he is developing new strategic approaches for campaign planning.

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