Release Highlights, December 2022: Updates in Plan BETA, Visibility based on calculations in the custom fields & the media assets

This is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

All of this should improve your MARMIND experience as much as possible and help you stay on top of your marketing processes.

PLAN BETA: Bookmarks

Bookmarks from the old Plan module are now also displayed and supported in the new plan module (Plan BETA).

If a bookmark is modified and saved in the Plan BETA it will only be accessible in the Plan BETA module.

PLAN BETA: Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts of the Plan BETA are now available over the Avatar menu (upper right corner).

MEDIA ASSETS: Extended marking elements of the annotations

The functions of the annotations have been extended by the possibility of further marking elements.

The following objects can be used in addition to the square and text annotation:

  • Circle
  • Arrow
  • Double arrow
  • Cross

The size can be changed and adjusted as needed. In addition, it is possible to change the length and proportions to make precise annotations.

TO DOS: Board view - Extension of the drop zone

In the to-do board view, the area for moving a to-do via “drag & drop” has been expanded.

This means that to-dos can now also be dropped in empty columns, not only in the column heading area, but in the entire column.

CUSTOM FIELDS: Visibility based on calculations

Each custom field was extended by the feature “condition based visibility”. With the help of this function, the visibility can be controlled, depending on various expressions.


1) Visibility based on values of other fields

It is possible, to show or hide fields based on the values of other fields, e.g. a checkbox can toggle the visibility of (a group of) other custom fields.

Based on Mindscript syntax simple to complex expressions can be used to determine, if a field is visible or hidden.

If the result of the visibiltiy-expression evaluates to TRUE, then the field is shown, if it evaluates to FALSE, it is not visible.


Custom field “Budget” on object, value: 12500

Custom select field “Channel” on object, value: “Facebook”


Visibility Expression on the custom field “Socialmedia-Budget” could be e.g.: (Budget >= 10000) AND (Kanal = “Facebook”)


Based on this expression the field is shown if (Budget >= 10000 and Kanal is “Facebook”) = TRUE.

If you select another channel (e.g. TV) the field “Socialmedia-Budget” is not shown.

2) Visibility based on user / roles

The visibility of fields can also be calculated based on the current user’s attributes.
isUser() evaluates, if the current user is a defined user. 
isInRole() evaluates, if the current user is in a certain (workflow) role in the current context.



isUser(‘user@eMail1’, ‘user@eMail2’, ‘{user-guid}’: evaluates, if the current user is the user with email user@eMail1, user@eMail2 or if it is the user with GUID {user-GUID}  -> If TRUE, then the field is shown.

isInRole(‘Moderator’) OR isUser(‘’): evaluates, it the user is either Moderator in the current context or if the user is the user with email ‘’ -> If TRUE, then the field is shown.

3) Hidden fields

If specific custom fields are only used for calculations or storing intermediate values they can generally be hidden with the “hidden field” option.

Good to know

We are constantly working on improving our product to make it even better for you.

Some things you might want to know on the fly can be found in our constantly updated tutorial videos.


Picture of Peter Fechter

Peter Fechter

Peter is Digital Marketing Manager at MARMIND and mainly responsible for website and lead management. When he's not busy creating content, he is developing new strategic approaches for campaign planning.

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