Release Highlights 05/23

This is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new. All of this should improve your MARMIND experience as much as possible and help you stay on top of your marketing processes.

PLAN: Improved UI/UX

We made some improvements to the calendar UI/UX to ensure it matches that of the plan, i.e. the user experience is the same now for both the plan and the calendar view.


More specifically, we made the following changes:


  • Click behavior: You only need one click on the calendar instead of a double click to create a new object or to open an existing one.
  • Editing and preview: If you click the title of an object, the dialog box allowing you to make edits will open. If you click the bar, however, the preview pop-up will open.
  • Preview pop-up: The entire pop-up was redesigned. The preview now contains more information. We also included a three dot menu that gives you the same options you have when clicking the three dot menu in the tree.

ASSETS: Annotations available for users with read-only permissions

If a user has read-only access to assets, they can still make annotations. This means that even though a user does not have editing rights, they can still provide feedback.

TO-DOS: Convert sub-tasks into main tasks

In addition to converting sub-tasks into to-dos, you can now convert them into main tasks. All you have to do is convert a sub-task into a to-do first. Now you open the to-do and select a new context from the “belongs to” field. This will turn the to-do into a main task. Keep in mind that you cannot undo this action.

TO-DOS: Show sub-tasks

You can now change the standard view for subtasks in the settings. This means that, when looking at the To-do tab, you can decide if you want to show or hide all subtasks. The option you select will apply to all users.

TEAM: New handover process

Up until now, you had to reassign all objects assigned to a user to someone else before being able to remove them from an object or a team.

Now you can simply remove a user and reassign their objects later. Once you are ready to reassign some objects, you can use the bulk editing options in the To-do and Grid module. Use the filter to show all objects that were assigned to the person you removed an reassign them in bulk.

Good to know

We are constantly working on improving our product to make it even better for you. Some things you might want to know on the fly can be found in our constantly updated tutorial videos.