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The Jet-Set Approach with Your New One-Page Marketing Plan

Much like a pilot’s pre-flight checklist, a marketing plan outlines the steps and strategies needed for a business to take off and reach its desired destination. CMOs face numerous challenges and pain points, making a well-crafted marketing plan an invaluable asset.


How to create a quick one-page marketing plan that will be a viable boarding pass to your marketing success?

What Is a One-Page Marketing Plan?

Benefits of a One-Page Marketing Plan

And here’s just to name a few.

Saves time and effort

A one-page marketing plan is quick to create, review, and update, allowing CMOs to focus on executing strategies rather than getting bogged down in lengthy documents.

Enhances communication

The concise format of a one-page marketing plan makes it easier for team members to understand and align with the plan, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Increases focus

Distilling key strategies and goals into a single page allows companies to prioritize and maintain focus on what truly matters for the organization’s success.

Promotes agility

The simplicity of a one-page marketing plan enables CMOs and their teams to respond and adapt to market changes and new opportunities with greater speed and flexibility.

one-page marketing plan

Key Elements of a One-Page Marketing Plan

#1 Target audience

The foundation of a one-page marketing plan lies in understanding your target audience. If you don’t know who you market your products to, how are you going to do it successfully? Same about the flight itinerary – you might want to know where to fly to, but you need to know the route to do it successfully.

Knowing who you want to reach, you can tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with that specific group, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns. To achieve this, focus on:

  1. Defining your ideal customer. Identify the specific characteristics of the customers most likely to benefit from your products or services.
  2. Understanding demographics. Collect data on measurable factors like age, gender, income, and education to create a clear picture of your target market.
  3.  Analyzing psychographics. Dive even deeper into your customers’ preferences, values, and motivations. You can never know TOO much. However, don’t go overboard here – doing it in more detail would make your marketing plan way longer than just one page.

#2 Unique selling proposition (USP)

Your USP highlights the distinct value your business offers to customers. It can be helpful in differentiating the brand from competitors and effectively capturing the attention of your target audience. To establish a strong USP, consider the following steps:

  1. Assess your competitive landscape. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors to identify potential opportunities for your brand to tap and stand out.
  2. Determine your strengths. Pinpoint the key advantages your business has over the competition, such as superior product features, exceptional customer service, or industry expertise.
  3. Craft a compelling USP. Merge your insights from the previous steps 1 and 2 to create a concise, persuasive statement that encapsulates the unique value your business provides to customers.

#3 Marketing objectives

Establishing clear marketing goals provides direction and focus for your marketing strategy. Setting smart goals ensures that marketing objectives are realistic, support your company’s broader business goals, and are always tied to tangible outcomes.

Here’s a bunch of good practices to set achievable objectives:

  1. Be specific. Clearly define the desired outcome of your marketing efforts, such as increasing website traffic, boosting customer engagement, or growing sales. Vanity goals, like “just some growth”, are no goals. So, you need to…
  2. Ensure measurability. Quantify your KPIs so you can track progress and determine success.
    For example, aim to increase website traffic by 20% within six months.
  3. Set achievable targets. Assess your resources, budget, and current market conditions to establish goals that are challenging yet attainable. Setting goals that are unrealistic to achieve will only decrease your morale. Slow(er) and steady wins the race.
Key Elements Marketing Plan

#4 Marketing strategies

Your marketing needs to be both efficient and impactful. For all CMOs, selecting the most effective marketing channels and creating a content plan are must-have aspects of everyday flight operations.

Consider the following steps:

  1. Evaluate channel effectiveness. Assess the performance of various marketing channels by tracking metrics like engagement, conversion rates, and ROI, to identify which ones yield the best results.
  2. Create a content plan. Develop a comprehensive content plan that includes various content types that resonate with your target audience.
  3. Allocate resources wisely. Determine the right mix of financial, human, and technical resources for your marketing strategies, balancing short-term and long-term goals. MARMIND gives you the power to allocate resources and maintain precise control over them.

#5 Marketing budget

Marketing executives frequently deal with the challenge of balancing cost-effective and profitable activities – and while it’s crucial to manage expenses, it’s equally vital to invest in marketing initiatives that generate growth, brand awareness, and customer engagement for long-term success.


To ensure you’re on track, keep these guidelines in mind:

  1. Prioritize high-impact channels. Allocate a larger portion of your budget to marketing channels that have consistently demonstrated strong performance, and consider reallocating funds away from underperforming channels.
  2. Test and optimize. Experiment with different marketing tactics and campaigns, and fine-tune your budget allocation based on the results. All of that to identify the most cost-effective strategies and maximize your ROI. Speaking of which…
  3. Track ROI. Measure the actual financial return generated by your marketing efforts. Calculate the revenue attributed to your campaigns and compare it to your total marketing expenditure to make better decisions.

A One-Page Marketing Plan Is only
Your Starting Point

A one-page marketing plan serves as a valuable itinerary confirmation, offering a concise overview of how and where you’re flying.

However, it’s essential to develop a travel plan: a more comprehensive marketing strategy that builds upon this foundation to drive sustainable growth. A well-rounded strategy requires in-depth research, detailed planning, and a set of tools designed to support execution and monitor progress.

marketing concept

One such tool is MARMIND. Our platform allows businesses to streamline their marketing processes, coordinate efforts across teams, and measure performance against their objectives.

There is a reason why there are always two pilots in the cockpit. Using MARMIND in tandem with a one-page marketing plan, your business can ensure a strong foundation and the resources to effectively carry out your marketing initiatives.


Picture of Peter Fechter

Peter Fechter

Peter is Digital Marketing Manager at MARMIND and mainly responsible for website and lead management. When he's not busy creating content, he is developing new strategic approaches for campaign planning.

If you want to plan, manage, track, and execute marketing campaigns using an intuitive platform, MARMIND is the MRM you need. It’s highly customizable and molds itself around your unique marketing processes.

It brings your teams closer and streamlines communication, making you more productive and profitable. With MARMIND on your side, your teams have a constant overview of time, budget, and resources, acting as a compass guiding you toward your marketing goals.


If you’re the pilot of your marketing department, MARMIND is the cockpit that empowers you to steer your marketing to a higher altitude.